Tuesday, November 8, 2011

heres some stuff i've been working on (not totally finished)
first just something i did quite quickly probably going to add more to it but i had ago at doing some terrain it's pretty cartoon like at the moment but here it is anyway again just did this in some spare time on my own without a tutorial :
second i've been working on building a castle here it is:
it's pretty basic at the moment I've been working on other things lately and not got round to doing that much on it I'm building the inside of the castle as well the bits out side it are a first go at making stairs for inside the large main turrets around the gatehouse but I'm just working out how to do them so they're not the ones actually off in there i still have a lot of work to do on this since i've not even started on the main keep or the terrain around the castle I'm not sure about making it really realistic maybe do a cartoon like on unsure at the moment. as for the makeing of it it's all pretty simple if abit annoying just basic polygon for the start then had to go add lots of new lines in it so that i could extrude it in the right way or delete different sections so that it all fit together. anyway thats is for this post more later :)

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