Wednesday, November 9, 2011

hey again another post here :)

you probably seen the last post i put up the fluid emitter fire and i just wanted to show you a little secret and hopefully pass on a little bit of advice. during the creation of my fire effect with the fluids emitter i created this:

it may just look like i did the tutorial totally wrong and a few people would just get rid of it or try again with the last section. but hopefully i can change your minds if you ever work with emitters  and something doesn't go the way you though please don't just get rid of it because it maybe useful later like this one i think it looks a bit like mist personally so if i save it  and have a look at what i did i now know how to create mist or something like it that i can mess about with to get it to look a bit better, i may even add this around my castle when i'm finished makeing it so that it looks like the moat (that I'll be putting in) is giving off mist.

anyway hopefully i went a little bit towards convincing people not to just throw away stuff if it doesn't go the way you wanted but creates somthing else entirely with my little rant there :)

~anyway keep looking out for more posts i'll have a few more on in a day or 2 thanks for reading.
Samuel, Gordon Sharp

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