Friday, January 20, 2012

background of the animation

Hey again just showing some of the stuff that was in my assignment animation but may not have been seen. I’ll put up a few screenshot of different bits of the stage as well as a view of it where you can see it all and write a bit about each screenshot saying where it is and things like that so first.

Here is an over view of the scene you can see everything at one from here. You can see how big I made the scene so that I didn't catch the cyberspace in the animation. You can also just about see the second wall on one side where I textured sky so that if you saw through the camera you would see sky not cyberspace.

Here is the computer base unit you see briefly at the start of the animation with it’s cd drives out.

Here we have the back of the monitor and the cables going through the table and down into the computer base unit.

Here is the window that was closed for the duration of the animation because it never really entered into the shot I was going to have another camera show it as a third shot for the introduction but decided not to because of time I had and the time it took at the start of the animation.

In this screenshot it shows the model I created on the stand that I put him on as a massive clay model he would have moved but to crush the lamp when it fell but I decided to take that out because the lamp was a pretty ok model and I didn't feel right crushing him and setting him on fire J.

And here is the fire effect that my lamp falls into at the end of the animation although he was meant to be set on fire I found that too difficult for the time I had left and just tried to get it so the camera didn’t show it till the lamp was on or near the floor so it looked like he had set on fire. This is actual a fluid particle fire I have done normal particle fire but I decided to use this because I think that it give a much nicer effect than the normal one.

Anyway I hope these screenshot give a bit more of an insight into how much work went into the creation of the animation for my assignment if you have any questions or want to see any other bits of the animation that I’ve not already shown then please mail me or comment and I’ll answer the question or get another few screenshots up.

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