Friday, January 20, 2012

Hey again this is how I created the cable that I had in my animation assignment I’ll go through how I made it and made it so that I could get it to move if my character walked into it even though in the animation I didn’t have to first here's my start for a cable just a Nurbs cylinder.
So first of all I have to make it a bit thinner so I’ll use the scale tool to do this then I’ll set it down on the grid.
Ok here it is scaled down an easy way to make sure the Nurb is exactly turned horizontal on the grid is to the up -90 in the rotation attribute in the attribute editor (p.s. you can open this by going to display and down to the UI elements and turning on the attribute editor) you can also make sure it’s just sitting on the grid by putting 0 in all the boxes for the translation attribute in the attribute editor.

After that I went to the attribute editor again and went to the MakeNurbCylinder1 at the top of the attribute editor and went onto the cylinder history section and changed the spans section from the original of 10 to 30.
After this I then changed the main menu bar menu located in the left top corner.
I set this to animation then pressed space and picked the top view and opened that up to the full display so that I could see easily then zoomed in the that I could see the spans then I went to skeleton and down to joint tool and clicked on that so that I could start then I went and put one joint into the middle of each span.

Then I went back into the prospective view and selected both the joints (all of them) and the Nurb cylinder then I went to skin and clicked went down to bind skin and to smooth bind and clicked on it.

And there we have the final version the cable can now be moved with the joints easily and makes the bend look natural because of the amount of joints and spans if you have too few joints to spans the cable can be quite wooded for the bend.

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