Tuesday, January 10, 2012

flash castle animation working on

Hey Just wanted to show some basic animation in flash that I’ve been working on, I’m building a castle and battle scene to see if I can do it so far I’ve built the castle and a man at arms the doors open the man comes out all simple motion tweening animation so far

In this screen-shot I’ve now got 3 men at arms and they are all outside having a look around with each other.

In the next screenshot I’ve built another model this one of a wizard the 2 groups will attack each other in the scene after this one I’ll hopefully manage to use a shape tween soon.

Here is the battle scene it is only small because I’ve run into some problems trying to get the man at arms weapons in maces rather than swords but here it is.

You can see the shape tween here with the magic turning into a lightning bolt.

I’ll export what I have on this animation and when I’m finished and got round the problem or given up and gone in a different direction upload the finished cope of the work. again if you have any questions mail me i'll be happy to answer them and see you on my next post.

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